

Full Stack

A fitness app for gym owners and personal trainers to manage routines, measurements, and teams.

Website image portraing the website name and their logo

Project Description

As a full-stack developer, I have been working on a project called Gymnappsium for the past two years. Gymnappsium is a web application that is aimed at gym owners and personal trainers. The app is developed using Angular for the front-end and Firebase for the back-end and database.

The purpose of Gymnappsium is to provide a platform for gym owners and personal trainers to register their businesses and allow their customers to join their business inside the app. This gives the owners and trainers access to a range of features, including routine distribution, measurement tracking, and more.

One of the key features of the app is routine distribution. Owners and trainers can upload an image of the routines to their customers, and when the routine is near expiration, the app gives the owner or personal trainer a visual cue. This ensures that the customers are following the routines in a timely manner and are making progress towards their fitness goals.

Another feature of the app is measurement tracking. Clients, gym owners, and personal trainers can update biometric data such as weight, BMI, muscle mass, and more. This allows the owners and trainers to have quick access to their customers’ information and make adjustments to the routines as necessary.

Gymnappsium also includes a team management feature for gym owners. This feature allows gym owners to inscribe their trainer team inside their business in order for them to help the owner in the administrative aspects of their business.

Overall, Gymnappsium is a powerful web application that helps gym owners and personal trainers manage their businesses more efficiently and provide better services to their customers. As a full-stack developer, I am proud to have worked on this project and contributed to its success.